AAA Screening

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening is a way of checking if there’s a bulge or swelling in the aorta, the main blood vessel that runs from your heart down through your tummy.

This bulge or swelling is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or AAA. It can be serious if it’s not spotted early on because it could get bigger and eventually burst (rupture).

Who’s screened for AAA

In England, screening for AAA is offered to men during the year they turn 65.

Men aged 65 or over are most at risk of AAAs. Screening can help spot a swelling in the aorta early on when it can be treated.

Screening for AAA isn’t routinely offered to:

  • women
  • men under 65
  • people who’ve already been treated for an AAA

This is because the risk of an AAA is much smaller in these groups.

You can ask for a scan to check for an AAA if you think you might need one but haven’t been offered a screening test.

AAA Screening Video Information

AAA Patient Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Care Navigation – Other Services Available

What is Care Navigation?

Care Navigation is a service for patients at this Practice.

If you choose to be supported by a Care Navigator they will be available to guide you through the health and social care system.

The Care Navigator will help you to engage with decisions about care and treatment. They can also assist you to find out what voluntary and local services are available. Through Care Navigation you may be able to access the type of care that you need.

Your Care Navigator can help you find out what is available.

Your Care Navigator can provide general health advice e.g. physiotherapy and podiatry, and provide the relevant contact details or referral forms. Please ask the receptionist or see below for further information and referral forms.

Services available at The Riverside Building

Practice Pharmacist – speak to Catherine Alderson, member of staff in Practice

Occupational Therapy – GP or self referral – speak to a member of staff . Please see the link for further details. Occupational Therapy in General Practice

Physiotherapy – Self Referral Forms available from Reception or detailed, for over 18yrs only.  Please speak to a member of staff for Under 18yrs. – Physio appointments are every Thursday.
Physio Self Referral Form

Listening Ear – Gives people the time to talk about the things that concern or worry them, time to be listened to or explores opportunities that could help to improve wellbeing. Free and confidential listening service which is provided by clergy – Referral forms available from Reception or detailed. Listening Ear referral

Age UK – REACH – The REACH team aim to support older people in rural Carlisle and Eden with Finance, Fitness and Friendship. Speak to Age UK directly – 017683 54918 / website link – Age UK – REACH

Age UK – Compass – support with housing and finding suitable accommodation, benefit advice and support claiming benefits, budgeting, low level adaptations or getting back to normal after a stay in hospital – 01228 633331 / website link- Age UK – Compass

Carers Champion – speak to Jackie Burns, practice member of staff

Additional Services
– Think Pharmacy Service – Please see the Service Leaflet for further information – Think Pharmacy Patient Leaflet

Other Services available at The Riverside Building

Talking Therapies – GP or self referral via website / or call – 0300 123 9122 – Appointments in the Practice – Wednesdays
Community Nurses – based in the Practice – 017683 51179
Health Visitors – based in the Practice – 017683 54964
Midwives – based in the Practice – 017683 53719
Podiatry – in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria
– Diabetic Eye Screening – Inspira / Visualise – in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria
Dietician – in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria
Community Heart Failure Nurse – in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria
Continence Service – in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria
Community Mental Health Team in the Practice monthly – speak to a member of staff for referral criteria

Self Help – Online information

NHS website

Health Builders – Advice and Guidance for Children

Barnardo’s Family Space – Their virtual family hub offers information, advice, guidance and support for all stages of your parenting or caring journey.

Self-help guides for most minor illness

Self Care Forum

NHS Live Well

Treat yourself better website

Stay Well this Winter

Lifestyle Animations

Health Promotion Education